March 4, 2025

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Lions Club donates money

Lions Club donating 150 to Wellspring for a families bus  passesLions Club of Whitecourt President Gerald Stimson and Secretary Ray Leadley were very busy on Wednesday as they handed out checks to local organizations. Wellspring Family Resource and Crisis Shelter was their first stop where they donated two checks totaling $5,150. Executive Director Becky Wells was very grateful to receive the help noting that, due to the economic downturn, more families are needing it. “More crisis calls are coming in and we are regularly at full capacity,” she said. From the donation, $150 will go towards providing a family with bus passes. The second stop was Little Big Fort where President Tim Imbery graciously accepted a $2,000 donation. “This will really help our programs,” he said, adding that sponsor help has been down due to the economy. The Lions Club has been in Whitecourt for over 30 years and consistently supports the community through its campground. “It’s nice to go around and help people,” said Leadley, “all the money we make stays here in the community, to help.” The Lions campground is open until October 15.

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