February 24, 2025

Your community newspaper

Local woman shares beautiful flowers for Random Acts of Kindness Week

Whitecourt resident and entrepreneur, Patrysha Korchinski, wanted to spread some extra smiles and kindness to some of her fellow community members. When she realized that it also happened to be Random Acts of Kindness Week she dove right in. “The whole idea started on Valentine’s Day. I was thinking about all the flowers that wouldn’t find a home because I’m a writer and I sometimes think weird thoughts,” she laughed. “So, I thought, why don’t I take my charity money for this month and put it towards flowers, then I can go find different people to give the flowers to.”

The idea was quickly put into action and the very next day, on February 15, she was ready to go. With $100 set aside for 18 roses from Inspirations Flowers and Gifts in Whitecourt, she also called other flower shops in nearby communities to spread the love even further. She purchased 25 carnations to be handed out in Swan Hills, and the Onoway Chamber of Commerce along with Dosie Dotes & Greenery also joined the movement, putting together their own gift basket to give away.

While collecting her roses at Inspirations, store owner Noreen Ellis surprised Patrysha with her own random act of kindness by donating 17 roses towards her giveaway. “Flowers are everybody’s happy spot and I like to see people smile. I think it’s a good idea to go out and make people happy,” said Noreen. “Kindness and generosity actually play an important effect on the community and our mental health, so these are things that actually help us to grow as people,” said Patrysha, “and that’s why I want to support her,” chimed in Noreen.

Patrysha is the Business Advisor for Community Futures Yellowhead East, and also runs two online video shows, www.TriumphantTales.com and www.LifeInWhitecourt.com. Triumphant Tales is about women who have been in abusive relationships and who have come out the other side, starting businesses of their own while Life in Whitecourt is a weekly online video show where Patrysha features different aspects of living in Whitecourt whether it’s an author, artist, or an event that’s coming up.

In doing her smile-filled project, Patrysha hopes to inspire people to think about random acts of kindness throughout the year, “It doesn’t have to be a special occasion. When you see an opportunity to do something for someone, just do it. It’ll make you feel good and make others feel good, too.”

She is also spreading awareness. “We put things on our Facebook walls and blogs of being the difference we want to see in the world and it doesn’t really mean anything without action so this is a way for me to show, not tell.” She challenges others to join her and reap the feel-good rewards of doing something kind for others.


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