March 3, 2025

Your community newspaper

Lots and lots of snow: Snow clearing update

by Susan Hofforth


That was a lot of snow! That’s the refrain that was heard almost everywhere last week and Whitecourt was certainly no exception. Crews were hard at work last week clearing away it all out of the way. This week, it’s very likely that they are still at it.


The Town asks that you please move all vehicles from the road, in areas where crews will be plowing, and please obey all posted ‘no parking’ signs. This will ensure the work will be completed as efficiently as possible.


If the weather stays clear, the crews will be plowing streets in residential areas all this week, but always check on the Facebook page or with the Town Office to get the most up-to-date information on where crews will be. Updates are constantly posted to keep residents informed of snow and ice control activities.


The Town’s policy is to spread sand at intersections and slippery locations as soon as possible and to plow and remove the snow as quickly and completely as possible, seven days a week, as long as staff and equipment are available. Last week, the Town used two plows, two loaders, two graders, one sand truck and seven staff members to operate that equipment, so everything was very busy. The Town also utilizes contractors when necessary.


In deciding where to clean, the major arterial roads and collector roadways are given priority to give good access to major areas and be clear for school buses. The downtown business district is done next, and after that residential roadways and industrial roads are done. All is done as soon as possible after each snow fall with the priority to make the roads safe to travel for the greatest number of users.

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