By Ashley Clementovich
The Ducks Unlimited Whitecourt Conservation Banquet was held last Saturday evening at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall. With a large portion of the evening being dedicated to the silent auction, there were plentiful items to peruse during cocktail hour.
With every dollar donated matched, this year’s sold-out banquet made it one of the organization’s most profitable fundraiser in the last few years. The evening consisted of a dinner, silent auction, live auction, raffles, games, and a dance. “They do the dance after to liven everyone up again,” joked attendee Joanne Howse who has attended the fundraiser for over four years.”
Some of the games included Texas hold ‘em with darts, Plinko, and a lucky wheel spin. There were over 10 live auction prizes including a Kelowna wine tour, a helicopter trip, a Portland Oregon Experience, and $1,000 in cash.
Chairperson Dean Amiot described the organization as the “Alberta government go-to” to combat industrial impact on marshlands and grasslands. The foundation uses science, policy, education, and conservation projects to back its cause. The goal since the cross-Canada organization began in 1938 is to restore and conserve the wetlands. Up to 70 per cent of Canada’s and 64 per cent of Alberta’s marshlands have been degraded as a result of development.
Wetlands serve a multitude of purposes including housing as many as eight million waterfowl and 20 million shorebirds to nest and raise their young. They filter water from pollutants, regulate water levels, and fight climate change by storing carbon. Amiot also stressed the importance of maintaining what is ultimately an enormous source of fresh water for the country. With such a diverse terrain covering the province, wildlife such as Red-tailed hawks, Blue-winged teal, Northern pintail, Trumpeter swans, and Woodland caribou all depend on wetland wellness.
Whitecourt Ducks Unlimited would like to thank its many fundraiser sponsors and donors as well as the community for its continued support for the organization.
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