March 8, 2025

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Mayor Chichak steps down from UCP nomination bid following health scare

In a Facebook post dated June 11 at 8:30 p.m., Mayor Chichak shared with her followers on her United Conservative Party (UCP) page, that she was withdrawing her name from the West Yellowhead constituency nomination. The revelation came as a shock to many as she had been proudly vocal about the opportunity to serve the area from a higher platform.

In her post, she attributed the sudden departure as having stemmed from recent health issues that she had suffered. In an interview with The Press on Friday, June 15, she explained how she came to this decision and the health issues that started it.

“When I first announced that I was running for the UCP nomination, I knew I had the ability to fully take on both roles. I’m the type of individual who always puts my absolute best into everything that I do and at that point in time I was in good health and I knew that I could handle the stress of both jobs. One, completing my mayor’s duties and two, doing any campaigning and door to door canvassing that I needed to do throughout not only our community but the region.”

Unfortunately, things changed quickly due to an accident and she realized that she could no longer give 100 per cent. “Something had to give, and it was the UCP nomination that gave. My heart and soul has always been in my job as mayor and it continues that way. I just don’t have the capacity to do both right now. My recent accident has slowed me down a bit and because of that I had to make a life choice.”

Currently maneuvering on crutches with a foot cast, Mayor Chichak said she is recovering from bruises and a broken ankle. “I’m working through them, but that recovery could last several months, and I think I just need a chance for my body to heal without additional stress or pressure on me or my family.”

As most people can attest to, family is the most important thing in life and nothing should come before it. Mayor Chichak said her decision came after an in-depth conversation with her family, specifically her two children, and that she is happy with her choice. She also spoke candidly about having lost both of her parents as a young adult and that, though it was relatively minor, her accident made her look at things a bit differently.

“I want to make sure I’m around for my kids and that I get to see them married and have their own kids. It was a matter of prioritizing for me. I love our community very much and I would never want to take on an additional responsibility that I knew would compromise my role as mayor or put additional stress on me or my family which could have negative consequences.”

She said that she is as proud as ever to serve the community regardless of whether she is at the provincial or municipal level. “I’m happy with this decision, as is my family. It’s always about family first and being there for your children and making sure that the life choices you make always take family into consideration first.”

Mayor Chichak said her crutches and boot will not stop her from continuing to work hard for residents and that she will fully fulfill her role as mayor. “I’m here whole-heartedly. I don’t question that for a moment.”

She initially put her name in the running for the UCP so she could be a loud voice on a higher level and help both Whitecourt and the region with the issues that it currently faces. Council’s main focal points for the next foreseeable future continue to be Caribou Range Planning, diversification of the economy, and working closely with Alberta Health Services to help enhance health services in the area.

“We are very engaged with our Forestry and Energy Industries right now as we work on a localized Caribou Range Plan for the area of Little Smoky/A La Peche and for diversification. We are looking at different ways we can bring new business and industry to our community. These projects will consume my time just as they would have had I been doing both positions and they will continue to be big focal points going forward, both for myself and for council.”




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