March 4, 2025

Your community newspaper

#mywhitecourtlife ramps up on Twitter

By Nerissa McNaughton

Whitecourt’s relatively new hashtag, #mywhitecourtlife, has been buzzing on Twitter lately. The hashtag allows residents to tweet about the things that matter to them in and around the town. When you search Google using the hashtag, you are instantly rewarded with a rich list of experiences as seen through the eyes of the townspeople.

Recent #mywhitecourtlife tweets include a touching photo of the mass held for École St. Joseph graduates, a reminder from Community Lunch Box to vote for its volunteers, a cute picture of “Princess Violet” at Woodland’s Hard Luck Canyon, and NDP’s Oneil Carlier taking time to chat with a young man.

Social media is an excellent way to stay connected, voice opinions, and share what’s going on in the community. Check out #mywhitecourtlife and be sure to use the hashtag as you post the things that move and inspire you.

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