March 6, 2025

Your community newspaper

NDP seeking advice

Dear Editor;

What a breath of fresh air. Our new NDP government is seeking advice from outside sources. The CEO of the Treasury Branches will head up a task force to look into royalty rates. Here’s some advice: Look at the Stelmach review. He had former oil company CEO’s on his panel. They know the inside of oil company workings! His biggest mistake was caving in to big oil.
On the same token, Norway’s oil minister is offering the feds advice. Note to Notley, take it! If Klein had, we might have a $trillion in our Heritage Trust Fun-, too.
Some more advice: Pay little attention to the fear mongerers. They fear change and have entitled attitudes. We just had 40 years of that! They said the non-smoking laws would destroy their businesses. Now they say higher minimum wages will. Wait a minute; I thought they were already out of business from the non-smoking law! This won’t hurt them, either. Maybe help them and us a bit by making tips illegal, too. It’s a stupid idea anyway. This helped turn New Zealand’s near bankrupt economy around. In 1999, their minimum wage was $10/hr. It is also working elsewhere.
It’s too late to change now but to stop some of the carnage on our major highways, make them one-ways like city streets. One road allowance going one way, the next going the other. This should be done for #63. And, make it a three plus three lane while you are at it.
I know you are moving faster than the speed of light compared to what the PCs did, but you do need to move on the gouging at the gas pumps!
And, on health care: make all doctors learn about holistic medicine. All pharmaceuticals are based on them anyway. And when we do need pharmaceuticals, work with the other provinces and buy them off-shore for pennies on the dollar. And, make the doctors retake the Hippocratic Oath and live/doctor by it!
Eugene Eklund
Whitecourt, AB

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