March 4, 2025

Your community newspaper

P.A.R.T.Y. Program

after extraction from the vehicle - hill top drama  studentThings were very intense for students on Wednesday morning as they 
witnessed a crash extraction demonstration as part of the P.A.R.T.Y 
Program (Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth). Grade nine 
students from Hilltop and St. Joe's took part in the injury-prevention 
program that "aims to educate teens about the consequences of poor 
decision making in relation to risk-taking behaviours." Hilltop drama 
students played crash victims which included barely injured survivors, a
deceased passenger thrown from the car, and a girl trapped in her 
passenger seat screaming for help. Students watched RCMP, EMS, and fire 
department personnel play their roles in the accident. Following the 
demo they heard heartbreaking testimony from members of Victims Services
on what it's like to have to be with families who have just lost 
someone. This is the 16th year for the program and the hope is that it 
ingrains in students to be safe no matter where they are or what they 
do. Don't drink and drive. Wear your seat belts. Don't speed. Be 
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