Your energy is more social than usual today, and you may find yourself drawing...
Your dreams are making life much more interesting today — in fact, you may...
Your workplace — or maybe your family — is going through a power play...
The flight restrictions come as the government shutdown enters its 35th day and a...
Blow off your own needs today — you can handle things later, and someone...
Try to shake things up in your life — you need a change, and...
You are having way too much fun to worry about the future — and...
Though you would almost certainly rather take a break, you need to keep forging...
You are even more expressive than usual right now, which could mean that you’re...
You and your mate or business partner need to make an investment together soon,...
You can’t help but engage with people today — even those whom you ordinarily...
Sometimes you have to give up in order to win big. Today is one...
Spend the day getting ready for that big event coming up — you know...
Cultural issues and activities hold more interest than usual for you, so try to...
Star Milla Jovovich and writer-director Paul WS Anderson reveal the secrets to turning a...