Avoid your own problems and worries today — just don’t make a habit of...
Though you may feel good, that doesn’t mean you feel sure of yourself. Today...
You need to figure out what’s going on inside someone else’s skin — and...
Do whatever it takes to look into the hidden factors that are affecting your...
You need to take things to a new, deeper level today. That could involve...
You’re well known for your intensity, and today shows the world they’re right to...
Your deepest mind is working overtime on something that has been bugging you for...
Look inward to figure out what’s really going on around you. It’s likely that...
You feel unusually introverted today — so much so that you might accidentally snub...
You are feeling extra sensitive today, and you might want to spend some time...
You can’t wing it as easily as usual today, but maybe that’s a good...
You need to avoid the temptation — strong though it may be — to...
You can’t skate by with skimming today — a deep read is essential. That...
Your emotional side is especially strong today, but it’s best to embrace it. You...
Aim for progress at work, whether you’re ahead, behind or off the clock entirely....