Your brain is in want of some stimulation—fortunately, that can we found any and...
Pay attention today—you may have an opportunity to stop a seemingly small situation from...
You can make a deep impact on today’s outcome with well-considered efforts. Don’t worry...
You’re all over the place right now—you’re probably even driving yourself crazy. It may...
You get an eyeful of splendour when you enter the Aloft at the David...
Looking to make a change? Just start talking. You have all the energy you...
A little help never hurt anybody, and your friends want the best for you....
Take on a new project today—whether of your own devising or someone else’s. It’s...
Sharing is caring, and today is a great time to spread the love. Look...
If you’re tempted to complain today, stop yourself. A switch to gratitude always results...
Avoid taking on too much right now, even if you’re feeling like there’s space...
You’ll need your focus today, as new information will be coming at you from...
It’s time to get creative. Logical modes of thinking have their place, but letting...
Positivity is the name of the game today, no matter how hard it is....
Check in with family today. Reminisce on old memories, or just listen—they may have...