Your playful energy is perfect for parties or games — anything that isn’t meant...
You’ve hit the wall in one way or another, and that could mean that...
How much do you want? Your ambition drives almost everything today, and you should...
Your creative side needs some attention, though that could be as simple as soaking...
Good news comes your way! It might be a positive reply to a query,...
Be ready to act on a moment’s notice today — opportunities don’t stick around...
You feel much closer to peace today — your great energy is manifested through...
You feel unfairly left out today — but try not to complain too much...
You need to deal with today’s big news in an adult fashion — though...
You need to shake things up even more than usual — but that might...
You need to indulge your romantic side today — even if you’re newly single...
You may be down, but you’re not out! Even if your mood is lower...
You need to decide how much willpower you’ve got — and how much you...
A direct approach can work wonders today — not that you usually have trouble...
Your plans are really coming together! It’s a great time for you to step...