Dive deeply into your business today, whether you’re at work or school, fixing up...
There’s no way for you to work past this latest roadblock — you’ve got...
Your flirty energy is making those around you feel better about themselves — but...
You feel bolder than usual — so much so that you may take a...
Your social energy is still overflowing, so make the most of it and see...
A lot of work needs to get done today, but the good news is...
Try not to worry too much about little rivalries and worries about the future...
Today is all about communication — so be careful! You might miss a direct...
Though you are great at communicating, sometimes you feel the need to obscure some...
Temptation is ever-present, but today it’s especially provocative. You still need to resist —...
As long as you keep yourself busy, almost nothing can go wrong. It’s when...
Try not to get sucked into the gossip and breezy chit-chat floating around your...
Get into the festive cheer, have a glass of mulled wine and organise a...
Avoid any serious business today — things are heavy enough without you adding to...
You are getting ahead of yourself in a big way, so see if you...