Your skepticism has flown out the window, so it may be a good idea...
You’re still riding high on great, active energy, and your friends are more than...
Your unconscious mind is moving quite a bit more quickly than the rest of...
Helsinki is a very walkable city and has long reigned as one of Europe’s...
Try something new today — it can be almost anything, as long as you...
You’re getting signals from your subconscious mind today — though they may take the...
You can swing this situation — it is well within your power, and it...
You need to make sure that your social life isn’t interfering with your interior...
Your vital energy is perfect for getting others to see things your way —...
Try to relax and let events run their course — you can’t dam this...
You should find that at least one reply you get today is even more...
Back up, there! You need to avoid risk-taking of any kind, from jaywalking to...
Try not to make too big a deal out of today’s big deal —...
Nothing seems to be going your way today — but you need to endure...
There’s a lot going on today that is left unsaid — and it should...