If you’ve been waiting for a good time to get started on something, now...
You need to pay closer attention to your coworkers today — they’re brighter than...
You should go right ahead and jump into whatever projects you feel like tackling...
Life could be a little smoother today — and you need to try to...
You need to get out there — romantically speaking, that is! Arrange a date...
You feel somewhat indecisive today — but that can be remedied. You may need...
Your romantic side is out in full force today, and everyone can see it!...
It’s a day for communication and brainstorming — even if you’re not sure what...
People are looking to you for answers — are you ready to step up?...
All of your energies are devoted to work now — finding it, maintaining your...
Today is all about service, and you need to make sure that you’re helping...
Your energy is just right for taking in live music — or making it...
Is your in-box long past full? You need to make sure that you’re keeping...
Your ability to express yourself is stronger than usual right now, and you should...
Financial issues are on your mind today — so much so that you could...