Municipal officials warn action needed to fix dikes that prevent flooding of the isthmus...
Harkat, 49, was taken into custody in Ottawa in December 2002 on suspicion of...
As the canal-side trees shed their leaves in Amsterdam, locals jack up the gezelligheid...
In the last year almost half of easyJet’s passengers’ hold bags contained 15kgs or...
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<p>From a Gothic chapel in Paris to a hotel in Mexico City, take a...
Is it bad to leave your phone plugged in overnight? Do you have to...
photo credit: shutterstock Hydration is the key to taking proper care of your coloured...
Trust Project will implement protocols for online content to ensure truth, transparency and trustworthiness...
Paquin and Desmond join sprinter Donovan Bailey, activist David Suzuki, country singer Stompin’ Tom...
In a speech in Calgary, Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor unveiled a harm-reduction fund...
International heritage group’s report raises ‘significant concerns’ on deterioration of Canada’s refuge for northern...