You need to exercise your social energy today — which could mean anything from...
Try not to worry too much if things don’t go the way you want...
You may find yourself even more driven than usual — which is really saying...
You need to get in deeper with your friends or loved ones today —...
Your home needs some better stuff — or maybe just some TLC. Your energy...
Your phone might start to heat up from overuse today—try to take a break...
Try to put off any big financial decisions for a little while—you need to...
That big brain of yours is making life much more interesting for those around...
You’re not at your friendliest today, but that isn’t the end of the world....
Spend some time getting to know new people today—they are everywhere, and you are...
Think fast—things are getting crazy! Your mental energy is just right for reacting quickly...
Your ability to see both sides of any argument usually works out well for...
Business matters require greater attention than usual, so make sure that you’ve got all...
Someone close is talking the talk—but are they willing to walk the walk? It’s...
Your brain is an important tool right now—but don’t neglect your other tools! You...