January 10, 2025

Your community newspaper

Public estate forum exceeds expectations

By Vicki Winger


Last week’s estate forum was very successful and well attended. Held at the Whitecourt Seniors Circle, more than 120 residents enjoyed the free seminar where they learned about estate planning, title transfers, inheritance tax and more.


The meeting’s host, Leo Zelinski, is active in real estate. Over the years he has noticed many issues when clients tried to sell an estate following the death of a loved one. Zelinski stated he, “felt the need for [more information about this issue] in the community, more so with the older generation, so residents can better plan their affairs and save time and money in the long run.”


Zelinski assembled a panel of experts to ensure all the questions and situations would be explained and addressed.  The panel included Mark Reschke, chartered accountant; Cliff Mertick, financial planner; and Dennis Denis, lawyer. Testimonials were also heard from Fran Marion, who is with Park Memorial, and Darlene Chartrand, a paralegal.


Zelinski would like to have a follow up forum to include additional topics geared towards wills and funeral planning – topics suggested by the audience via a questionnaire circulated at the meeting. He thanks the meeting’s sponsors, attendees, The Town of Whitecourt and the Seniors Circle for their part in making the forum a great success.

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