March 6, 2025

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Pumpjack Players sending two local teens to drama camp as part of their sponsorship initiative to help grow a life-long love of drama


Two local teenagers received a fun gift from Pumpjack Players on Friday, June 15. After taking part in the Children’s Spring Production at the beginning of May, Emma Munday and Logan Kwiatkowski, both in grade 11, were chosen to receive a fully sponsored trip to Artstrek. “Last year, we decided to try and find a way to encourage students to become more interested in theatre, other than just our annual spring show and to do that we decided to sponsor two students each year to attend the Artstrek drama camp in Red Deer,” explained Pumpjack Players president, Carol Carlson.

The six-day event immerses teens into a world of drama unlike anything they have seen before. The training and games they take part in are levels above what they are most often used to, and it allows them to learn so much more. Training includes things such as acting, voice, movement, collaborating with fellow attendees, design, and even directing.

“They are more than well-deserving of this sponsorship. Logan has been involved in the theatre program at school for quite some time and Emma has been involved in the Children’s Theatre Program for Pumpjack Players since she was just a wee little girl. They were really on point this year not just with their abilities but with their behaviour and attitude. They were also helpful and those are some of the things we look for when we choose kids to go. We really appreciate their participation and the example they set to others,” said Carlson.

Emma said she is super excited and can’t wait to go. “I’m excited for the overall experience of meeting new people that share the same passion that I do and learning new things. It’s going to be so much fun!” Several of her friends have attended the camp previously and Emma said it’s finally her turn to experience it for herself. “I get to see what all the hype and excitement is about. I’m overwhelmed that I was chosen and I’m very excited to be part of it.”

As for Logan, this will be his second time taking part in the camp and he said that juice, preferably with a bug in it, is one of the things he is most excited for. Well, that and getting to see his friends from last year again but that the buggy juice is still on top. He also said there is one other thing that he is looking forward to. “Well, I lent somebody a few dollars last year for Starbucks so I’m excited for them to pay me back,” he said with a chuckle. All kidding aside, Logan said he is happy and very honoured that Pumpjack Players selected him to go.

From July 22 to 28, the two will be at Red Deer College filling their brains with drama, drama, and more drama. “It’s a really exciting program and it encourages kids to think seriously about maybe attempting a career in theatre. I hope they have a fabulous time,” said Carlson.


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