February 23, 2025

Your community newspaper

Rant & Rave

RAVE: To all the organizers and participants of this year’s
Celebration of Selflessness and Sacrifice… the Fallen Four Marathon.
Also, to the Hometown Heroes Airshow folks for helping out with the very special stuff in the skies to mark 10 years.

RANT: Two punks with black hoods and hats roaming around downtown 47th breaking into cars. Caught two of them this morning in my vehicle. Watch out!
RAVE: Hats off to the Town of Whitecourt and Woodlands County.😊 Thank you for the lunches, dinner, entertainment, dance, contests, and prizes to celebrate Seniors’ Week. We are proud to live in a town that has so much to offer.
RANT: Stolen from Prestlein Drive last night 2008 F350 diesel. Was involved in gas and dash at Esso by the Ritz at 5:30 a.m. They’re probably long gone by now. (Brother-in-law’s truck.)
RANT: Just letting everyone in our area know that two males tried stealing our quad this morning at 3 a.m. We live on Mink creek Drive. One was wearing a black sweater with what looked like a Sons of Anarchy crest and khaki green pants. Husband heard them trying to start quad; he yelled at them. One ran away and the other kept trying the quad. Husband ran outside to catch him, but he ran as soon as he heard husband open the front door.
They both ran down 55 Avenue towards Flats Road. Little did they know there is a trick to starting the quad (thankfully) or the quad would be gone. They punched out ignition on quad, and cut all the straps holding quad in truck. They were very quiet as we heard nothing even with the window open until they tried the quad. Cops were called and came right away and three cop cars patrolled the area. Haven’t found them yet as far as we know. Cops also said they had reports of people checking out cars during the same time this morning in our area. Make sure you lock everything up and don’t leave quads on the backs of trucks. We learned our lesson! Nothing is safe anymore. It’s so sad to have pathetic low-life individuals who have nothing and take things from hard-working families.
RANT: Why is it that so many people are scared to enter the left side of the Tim’s drive-through on the hill? I also have a truck. Yes, you will fit! Sheesh!
RAVE: To T Fencing! Love my new fence and I was given suggestions on how to deal with the older part of my chain link fence that my dogs were escaping from.

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