February 23, 2025

Your community newspaper

Rant & Rave

RANT: People who don’t wash their hands after using the washroom. I’m supposed to just be okay with their lack of hygiene? “They” swing open the washroom door; their stench still rotating around the bowl and down the drain while the soap bar remains dry and cracked. I proceed to watch them touch my belongings or shake people’s hands. Observing this makes me crave and become unnaturally dependant to Purell hand sanitizer.
I’m not a germaphobe but the amount of fecal matter being unnecessarily and voluntarily shared is making me walk the fine line. Furthermore, it would be widely inappropriate for me to approach (said) individuals with this health-conscious concern. I am forced to live my life preserved with excess amounts of alcohol-based sanitizers.

RANT: Last night I heard what sounded like a shot outside my house; of course, I played it off as fireworks. Well, got outside this morning and saw a blood trail leading from my neighbour’s front steps to the sidewalk and into the middle of the road… like a lot of blood! There were also some white hairs in it so I’m thinking it was a deer. Someone shot either a deer or some kind of animal right across from Central School! Like wtf is wrong with people?
RANT: To the jerk lady in the red van turning from Home Hardware. There are two @#$%^&* lanes there and, yes, I turned into the right lane so you could have the left lane not for you to @#$%^& cut me off and almost hit me! You really @#$%^& rattled me and freaked me out, especially since my daughter was in the truck with me. Learn to use your mirrors!
RANT: I took a lady up to the food bank yesterday. She got things that were outdated from 2013. It’s bad enough people need the help once in a while, but to give out food that far outdated? what if someone got poisoned?
RAVE: To Cory and the native fella from Bonavista who pulled me out on the Chickadee haul road. Thanks, guys!
RAVE: The announcement that we are getting a seniors facility with a dementia unit. Finally, our elders can stay in the community they helped build, and can be close to their families. Kudos to all involved on the project.

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