The Whitecourt Slo-Pitch Association is in full swing with 26 teams signed up for the summer. Centerfield for the Fog Duckers, Wayne Quaife, said 26 is one less than last year but that the reason for it is due to two teams merging as one. Each team registered will play 30 games throughout the next few months and, following regular season action, they will take part in two weeks of playoffs.
Teams will also be taking part in various tournaments around the region including Grande Prairie, Slave Lake, Swan Hills, Fox Creek, Drayton Valley, and Leduc just to name a few. There are two tournaments planned locally but dates have not officially been set. “We will have a July tournament that will be an all men’s, all ladies’ tournament and it will be hosted by the Honey Badgers.”
Anyone who has missed out on joining a team but would love the chance to play is in luck. Quaife said the best way to get on a team now is to join the Facebook page Whitecourt Slo-Pitch Association and make a post stating that you would like to play. “Single players who have posted on there, I know a few that have joined teams already.” Teams in need of players for certain nights will also regularly be posting. “There are always teams looking for last minute players so joining the group would definitely help us out as a league for sure.”
Teams are split between either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday schedules. “We let the teams pick whatever nights worked best for them, around kid’s sports schedules and things like that,” explained Quaife. Spectators can look forward to catching great ball four days each week at Graham Acres. Anyone interested in having a schedule for the games can find it on the Facebook page.
Businesses looking to grab some attention have several opportunities for sponsorship and are invited to call Chelsea Sproule at 780-779-6542. “We have a sponsorship program with the association and several areas are available for signage including the dugouts, fencing, and bathrooms. You can also sponsor things during tournaments.”
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