The Rotary Club of Whitecourt recently fulfilled a wish list of items. After a conversation with a friend
who worked at the Spruceview Lodge, Annette Kay, Secretary with the Rotary Club of Whitecourt, said
Rotary saw an opportunity to help.
“We were having a conversation one day about her role there at Spruceview Lodge and what she does.
She takes care of some of the recreational activities and said she is often looking for things to help her in
her role, and they don’t have a very big budget,” explained Kay. “I asked her to put a list together, and it
ended up with a letter coming to us. It was at the perfect moment because we had just supplied money
to Wellspring and the Seniors Circle, so why not do it to Spruceview too!”
Kay said the staff at the Spruceview Lodge had wanted to spruce up the courtyard by adding some
shrubbery and a big tree. The greenery would add enjoyment for seniors using the outdoor area. “They
also wanted to purchase some patio umbrellas and camping chairs that they could fold up and take
away with them,” said Kay.
Rotary Club members, list in hand, went and purchased ten fold-up chairs and had the Rotary Club of
Whitecourt name embossed on the back. Two bright blue chairs can be seen in the image shared by
Rotary members on the club’s social media. With the club’s name on the chair, it will show Rotary’s
involvement with the community when the seniors are out in public. “It’s good for the public to know
that Rotary Club is busy helping in the community because that‘s why we are here.”
Kay added that staff members said the chairs would let them take seniors on outings, such as an
afternoon at Festival Park. “The chairs easily fold up and aren’t heavy to carry. They also have little
tables on them. It makes everything so much easier and more enjoyable. They were over the moon
receiving them, and that’s what it’s all about.”
The list provided to Rotary included various items Spruceview staff would like to have to help facilitate
arts and crafts programming. “One of the items I know they are looking to get is cold glue guns. Seniors
can use a cold glue gun without the worry of burning themselves. This way, staff don’t have to take over
and do the craft for them because they can do it independently.”
Another item on the list was a full-sized portable keyboard. “They have a piano, but it’s in one room,
whereas if they have a full-sized keyboard, they can use that in multiple places.” The list also included
tablecloths. “That’s an expense that isn’t necessarily seen as a necessity, so you may not budget for it
when you’re running the place, but if you had them, they’d be nice,” explained Kay.
“They were very, very overwhelmed and happy with the amount of money that we gave them because
now they can do some things with that which will make a difference for the lives of seniors, and that’s
really important,” said Kay. Staff, Rotarians, and residents can be seen in the image gathered around a
big check for $12,500.
Over the years, the Rotary Club of Whitecourt has supplied funds to many different groups and projects.
The previously named Rotary Park is an obvious one, but the group also does regular free swims at the
AJMC, barbecued for the Park Parties last summer (and will be this summer, too) and has provided free
range days at the golf course. The club also gave seven local youth leadership experience opportunities.
Five students attended the RYLE Annual Leadership Conference at Camp Nakamun, while two youths
recently participated in the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship Program in Ottawa.
Kay explained that the causes they support need to fit within their pillars. Pillars include: supporting
education, protecting the environment, clean water and sanitation, peace, and growing local economies
through community development and enhancement. Enhancing the lives of seniors at Spruceview Lodge
fits within their community pillar.
“My husband and I moved to Whitecourt in 2017, and I joined the club the following year. I joined
because I needed a connection to the community, and what better way to do that than join Rotary! It’s a
feel-good way to get into the community, and I just love it.”
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