March 4, 2025

Your community newspaper


staples (1)On Wednesday evening, the president of Staples visited Whitecourt to meet the store staff and see the completed building. Steve Matyas last came to Whitecourt during the planning stages prior to construction and was very impressed with the finished product. He also had high praise for the local staff saying that “we have a great management team here and are very happy.” Matyas was one of the three founding members of Staples back in 1991. The brand has since grown to 308 stores nationwide and is one of the top 10 non-food retailers in the country.
Each June, for the past 21 years, Matyas goes coast to coast to different Staples stores engaging the staff and thanking the employees for the hard work they do in preparing stores for “back to school” as it’s the busiest time of year for Staples franchises. As president, Steve said he knows its easy for employees to feel small in a large company, making it crucial to personally “thank people for their extra effort and contributions and make them realize that what they do matters; and it matters to the success of the company.”
He was also sharing the message about a program Staples started over 12 years ago called “Tools for Schools.” The program gives back to schools both with products and monetary donations to keep children learning with the tools they need. Funds and products collected in Whitecourt stay in our community which is a big win for everyone!

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