A silly crocodile who swallowed a watermelon seed was in the spotlight at the Whitecourt Library on Wednesday, August 2 for children in the six to nine Summer Reading Program. Read aloud by MLA Oneil Carlier, the story brought laughs and giggles from both the children and Carlier himself.
“This is the second time I’ve had the opportunity to read at the Whitecourt Library. What I really like, of course, is that the children are so enthusiastic and paying attention. It’s a lot of fun. It really is! I wish I had more time and could do this more often,” smiled Carlier.
Prior to the story, as everyone waited for kids to sign in, Oneil shared his favourite “knock knock” joke and then asked the children to share theirs. What ensued was quite hilarious. “Every kid knows a knock knock joke. They might not know any other jokes but they love knock knock jokes,” he said with a laugh.
Library assistant Catherine MacDonald, known by her little friends as “Story Time Cat” took part in another story time adventure following Carlier’s book reading which involved a caterpillar costume and help from the audience.
Oneil was visiting during the second last week of the Summer Reading Program which began on July 3 and ends on August 14. There are three age groups which participate on different days, either morning, afternoon, or evening.
Children in the program read stories together, keep track of their reading for a chance to win prizes, play games, and make crafts. They also learn about a variety of topics and, this year, the focus has been on different Canadian topics.
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