January 30, 2025

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The St. Joseph School/Whitecourt/Woodlands Community Learning Campus Steering Committee had a meeting on August 27, 2015.


The Steering Committee is pleased to see that progress towards this great vision for our communities continues and that all partners are committed to ensuring that the Community Learning Campus will exemplify the best in community partnership and collaboration.

The following are the timeframes for the next steps to be taken:

1. The tenders for the new École St. Joseph School will be closing on September 24, 2015. The tender will be awarded in early October.
2. The Town of Whitecourt and Woodlands County have retained a consultant to prepare a detailed businesspPlan for the new Performing Arts Centre. Both councils will be reviewing the business plan at a joint council retreat at the end of October.
3. For further information, watch for ads in the local papers, radio messages, or call Carol Lemay, Superintendent of Living Waters at 780-778·5666, Maryann Chichak, Mayor, Town of Whitecourt at 780-778·2273, or Jim Rennie, Mayor, Woodlands Woodlands County at 780-778-0202.

St. Joseph School/Whitecourt/ Woodlands Community Learninq Campus
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