March 6, 2025

Your community newspaper

Transit use is up—and that means big things for Whitecourt


By Laura Bohnert


Whitecourt has seen a significant increase in transit use this year, as compared to 2016. Why is transit becoming such a popular solution for Whitecourt residents in 2017? According to Rachel Soderquist, there could be a number of factors involved.

“It’s difficult to attribute the increase to just one cause,” comments Rachel Soderquist, transit coordinator for the Town of Whitecourt. “There are a variety of possible reasons that ridership has increased. Our new transit buses were put into service in June, and they have received extremely positive feedback from passengers.”

“The Town of Whitecourt was able to implement some new marketing strategies this spring and summer to increase awareness of transit,” Soderquist continues. “And the local economy seems to be recovering, which has resulted in more riders who take transit to work.”

“We have also been able to provide excellent customer service to our passengers with an excellent group of professional drivers,” she adds.

What does the increase in transit use indicate about Whitecourt?

“The increase in transit ridership helps to show that transit is necessary in our community—that it’s a valuable service to the residents,” Soderquist points out.

Of course, meeting the needs of residents is a high priority for the Town of Whitecourt, but that isn’t the only benefit. Providing affordable, accessible, and efficient transportation also reduces the number of cars on the road, thus reducing traffic congestion as well as greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions.

Efficient transit also supports Whitecourt’s economic and social vitality, and in recognition of that, Whitecourt is happy to be able to do even more to make public transit a viable option for residents.

“We were very pleased to offer the increased transit service that started on August 28,” Soderquist says. “Transit buses travel around the community every 30 minutes during peak hours, Monday to Friday. This has resulted in some changes to the route and schedule,” she notes, “so all riders are encouraged to view the new transit map brochure that can be picked up around the community or accessed on”

“The Town of Whitecourt is also offering an annual student transit pass,” Soderquist adds, “which offers excellent value to students. The pass is $275 for 12 months and allows students to ride the transit bus anytime, including after school, Saturdays, and in the summer. This pass offers significant savings and increased value over the bus pass that is available from the local school divisions.”

“The availability of public transit in Whitecourt is just one more reason why Whitecourt is a great place to live,” Soderquist concludes. “It enhances the quality of life for all residents.”

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