January 22, 2025

Your community newspaper

Upcoming Fox Creek events

By Rechell McDonald
August and September will see some really fun things going on in Fox Creek and, if you are in the area or get the chance, there are some great activities for every age group.
August 19 will be the Tween Night Sock Hop which for all you youngsters, is another term for a dance! It will run from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fox Creek Scout Hall for tweens aged seven to 11 and is a drop-in event. There will also be a community appreciation barbecue taking place in the Fox Creek Chamber of Commerce parking lot from noon to 1 p.m., and will have complimentary food and beverages served by Northern Gateway.
For the adults there will be a really fun Geocaching 101 class on September 2 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Geocaching is a version of a scavenger or treasure hunt that involves using GPS to find hidden treasures. Not only is it fun and challenging, it’s an excellent opportunity to get outside and exercise in a fun way. If interested, you’ll have to call to sign up: 780-633-3758. The class will meet at the Don Nicholson Trail.
Finally, on September 4 there will be a masquerade pajama party from those in grade 7 through to grade 12. Snacks will be provided as will masks if you can’t find one of your own in time. It will take place from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Scout Hall.
Get out and enjoy the last few weeks of summer, or ease into the school year with some fun activities for the whole family.

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