By Corrine Gadke
Since the Government of Alberta announced the re-opening of Schools for the 20/21 school year, many parents and caregivers have mixed feelings and concerns. How about the student’s perspective? How do they feel about it?
Recently interviewing students ranging from Grade 5 to Grade 11, from all schools here in Whitecourt, it wasn’t too surprising to first see and hear that they can’t wait to see their friends! Social interaction is the foremost thought on all their minds. One Grade 6 student indicated he hasn’t physically seen any of his friends since the beginning of the COVID 19 outbreak.
Further into the interview’s students began to indicate their worries and fears of returning to school at the end of the month. Two Grade five students showed concern for wearing masks. Although they were ok with the rules of having to wear one, the two had more questions than answers. “When do they have to wear them? Will they work all day? Do I have to wear them in gym class or recess? Are we even going to have recess?” The unknown displayed on the faces of these two students clearly showed stress.
A Grade nine student commented about classroom social distancing, curious if there will be barriers in class like at local grocery stores. Confused and worried as to what to expect the first day back.
Another Grade six student indicated his parents are going to homeschool him. Stating he was Asthmatic; he agrees with his parent’s decision not to risk his health.
Two Grade 11 students have opposite scenarios and both with mixed emotions. One stated he has no choice; his parents say he must go to school while the other student was told he must stay home. Both these students feel they have no choice in the matter.
It is evident all these students have concerns, fears and stress over and above the typical first day back to school worries, but when asked if they feel scared about the actual COVID-19 virus, surprisingly, their answers were; “I’m concerned but not that scared.” All feel confident in the teachers and staff members of their school to keep them safe and healthy, indicating they think our community is safe from the virus so far.
The Alberta Government has a webpage on the School Re-entry Plan. Information on the site includes masks, cleaning, hygiene and illness, physical distancing and grouping, shared items and school buses.
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