February 24, 2025

Your community newspaper

Wellspring seeks to develop second-stage housing in Whitecourt


By Reed Clements


The Wellspring Family Resource and Crisis Centre is currently in the process of finding land and funding for its second-stage housing project.


Wellspring offers accommodation and basic emergency services for the victims of domestic abuse, as well as crisis intervention in-house or over the phone. However, its ability to help women and children in need is limited by the lack of second-stage housing in Whitecourt.


According to Wellspring Executive Director Becky Wells, the first stage is emergency shelter from an abusive domestic situation, which entails communal living with other victims. The third stage is reintegration into society, including having an independent living situation and the ability to work.


However, the transition from crisis to independence is difficult without a period of support. Second-stage housing provides that support by providing recovering women and children with affordable, private apartments while they recover from their trauma and prepare to return to normal life.


Without the second stage, many families end up returning to their abusive situations, or finding themselves in apartments they cannot afford, which can lead to them becoming blacklisted by landlords.


Currently, the closest second-stage housing buildings are in Edmonton and Grand Prairie.


Wellspring hopes to be able to provide safe, secure apartments, with supportive staff. “There would be outreach workers, there would be childcare workers, and anyone else we deem necessary to support these women,” said Wells.


“We can work on budgeting, basic life skills, and getting back to being work-ready.”


The project has been planned, and Wellspring is currently looking to secure funding and find a location. The Town of Whitecourt has supported the project.


“We’re really excited that the Town of Whitecourt is on board and we’re looking forward to partnering together to help this project,” said Wells.


Another challenge that Wellspring faces is the inability to host men who are victims of domestic abuse, due to the need to provide a safe environment for women and children. Unfortunately, there is no homeless shelter in Whitecourt.


Wellspring began in the 1980s as the Whitecourt Women’s Association.


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