March 6, 2025

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WFGA Ladies’ League learned valuable self-defence lessons from Whitecourt Karate black belts



One of the first things that the women taking part in the Wildlife Fish & Game Association’s (WFGA) Ladies’ League’s self-defence course learned were the three A’s of self-defence. They are Awareness, Avoidance, and Action. Being aware of your surroundings, knowing how to avoid a potentially dangerous situation, and being able to defend yourself, if necessary, are the three most important ways for women and anyone else to keep themselves safe.

The league held the course on Friday, April 20 and invited fifth degree black belt with the Whitecourt Wado Kai Karate Club, Shelley McGregor, along with second degree black belt, Marlene Kellier-Pinchbeck, and first degree black belt, Bernnie Gervais. The three women slowly walked the participants through several levels of self-defence starting first with ways to avoid a situation altogether.

“The goal is to avoid violence entirely or to be able to prevent it through verbal de-escalation,” read Shelley as everyone went through a guidebook together. “If either of those are unsuccessful then you must defend yourself until there is no longer a threat.” All three instructors were quick to mention that if someone continues after a threat is no longer present, it can turn into a complete reversal. “If you continue to hurt them after they are no longer a threat, you have now become the one committing the assault.”

Over the course of almost two hours course participants learned ways to get out of certain holds including a wrist grab, bear hug from behind, throat choke, and how to properly get someone off them when they are down on the ground. They also learned different ways to deter someone from attacking by hitting certain areas of the body such as eyes, throat, nose, and groin as well as pulling hair and biting. “If you have no other means of escape then your option is to fight. This is the last thing you want but there is no alternative aside from giving up or becoming a victim,” continued Shelley.

Marlene Kellier-Pinchbeck said this type of course is great as a starting point for self-protection. “The importance of these classes is to let women and everyone else know how not to put themselves into a situation where they are going to be vulnerable. If they do become vulnerable at least it gives them a few tools to ward somebody off. But don’t forget, violence is always the last thing you want to do.”

Marlene said the lively group looked to be enjoying the evening and that having fun will help them retain more of what they were taught. “I think that everyone had a lot of fun tonight which is good because they will learn more that way. They are trying things and it’s always great when we can use the pads because then you can feel what it’s like to make contact because we certainly don’t want to do that to other people, but the pads let us get that feeling.”

For those interested in learning about self-defence, join the Facebook page Whitecourt Wado Kai Karate. If you are interested in seeing what the Wildlife Fish & Game Association’s Ladies’ League has to offer, join the Facebook group WFGA Ladies’ League.

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