February 24, 2025

Your community newspaper

Whitecourt Air Cadets score scholarships


By Marc Chayer


Cadets belonging to the Royal Canadian Air Cadet 721 Hawks Squadron (Whitecourt) blew the competition out of the sky winning two prestigious scholarships this past month.

Making Whitecourt proud were cadets Rebecka Westling – Warrant Officer 1st Class and Daniel Taylor – Warrant Officer 2nd Class. Scholarships awarded were for Power Pilot (Westling) and Advanced Aerospace (Taylor).

Both cadets had to make an application and, through the process, both had to meet criteria in an effort to gain a maximum of 100 points. This process included other cadets from throughout the province.

The criteria included:

–      The cadet’s service record

–      The most recent report from the cadet’s previous summer training

–      A one-page narrative explaining why they wanted to participate in the selected course

–      Academic marks

–      Community involvement


To complete the process, both cadets had to sit in an interview before a panel of three judges where they had to explain knowledge and interest in the course being applied for, knowledge on Canadian and World Affairs as well as what they knew of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and its organization. The panel also scored the two cadets on dress and deportment and in Westling’s case an exam on the knowledge of flight was also required.

In learning of the awards, Westling found out she would be one of only 24 cadets to take the training and scholarship while Taylor learned he was one of only six cadets in the province to be selected.

The local squadron, while considered small by other units located in Calgary, Edmonton, and Grande Prairie was deservedly proud of the scholarships and the cadets’ efforts to win them.

Whitecourt Air Cadets rock!

Joining the two senior cadets will be roughly 15 other cadets from Whitecourt who will embark on summer training spanning subjects such as music, leadership, survival, and physical fitness which is a huge accomplishment by the squadron and a testament to the quality of the cadets in the local program.

This year the local program saw the creation of a drumline and participated in such training as glider pilot, flight ground school, etc. Cadets can attend training up to three nights per week in the quest for excellence.

721 Squadron is supported by such organizations as the Lions Club and the Royal Canadian Legion.

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