March 1, 2025

Your community newspaper

Whitecourt Town Council update

Phase 2 of the Sportfield Master Plan has been adopted by Council. The Sportfield Master Plan provides stra- tegic direction on how the Town of Whitecourt will meet the outdoor recreation needs of the community over the next 15 to 20 years. Specifically, the Plan includes improvements and recreational enhancements at Rotary Park, Graham Acres Recreation Area, the Community Learning Campus, and the Skate Park. Work on the Sportfield Master Plan started in 2014 and was completed in close collaboration with sportfield user groups, schools, industry stakeholders, service clubs, municipal partners and the Community Services Advisory Board. Phase 2 of the plan involved prioritizing and costing so that the municipality can take a phased approach to the implementation of all identified projects. The Sportfield Master Plan, Phases 1 and 2, can be viewed on


The Town of Whitecourt awarded $50,000 as part of the 2018 Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) grant program. Four local organizations were allocated funds to assist with the provision of social programs that are preventative in nature to the community.

  • $4,424.00 to Lorne’s Blanket to fund a Client Navigator position and FASD Training for the
  • $2,687.00 to Tennille’s Hope for volunteer training.
  • $22,889.00 to the Community Lunch Box for volunteer support initiatives and to fund a Program Coordinator position.
  • $20,000.00 to Twice is Nice – Wellspring to fund a Volunteer Program Coordinator position. Councillor Paul Chauvet has been appointed to act as Deputy Mayor from February 1 to April 30, 2018.
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