February 20, 2025

Your community newspaper

Whitecourt Town Council update

Whitecourt Town Council passed Tax Rate Bylaw 1559 at the May 10, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council, and prop-    erty owners can expect to receive combined assessment and taxation notices later this month. The 2021 Budget in- cludes a 1.99% increase to the municipal tax rate.  For details on how property taxes are calculated, and how tax dollars have been allocated in the 2021 Budget, please read the 2021 Budget Report. The report is available online at www.whitecourt.ca/Government. If you have questions about your tax notice or the 2021 Budget, please contact the Town Office.

Town Council received an overview of 2021 assessment figures by the municipal assessor at the May 10 Regular Meeting

of Council.

  • The valuation date for 2021 taxation of properties is July 1, 2020.
  • Assessment values for single family homes have decreased by 1.2% in the valley; and 0.9% in the hilltop area. The average house value in Whitecourt is $326,400.
  • Property owners can view the assessment report for their property online. Follow the link and instructions at www.whitecourt.ca/Services/Taxes-Assessment to view assessment reports.
  • Property owners will receive a combined assessment and tax notice later this month.

In response to a concern from a resident, Whitecourt conducted a traffic study at the intersection of 47 Street and 55 Avenue. The report was accepted as information by Council, and the following non-physical traffic measures will be implemented:

  • The extension of no-parking zone along the 47 Street and 55 Avenue intersection to increase visibility of the crosswalk

and ensure that stopping sight distances and turning sight distances are maintained.

  • The addition of pedestrian crossing signs along 47 Street to increase awareness of the crosswalk.
  • The placement of temporary radar speed signs to make drivers aware of the speeds they are travelling.
  • Increased enforcement presence along 47 Street to change driver habits of speeding.

E Construction has been awarded the Dahl Drive Improvement project.  The project, which  will  be  Whitecourt’s largest construction project this season, involves road and drainage improvements from 41 Avenue to 49 Avenue, as well as intersection upgrades at Dahl Drive and 41 Avenue. The project has been allocated $1,212,940 in funding from the Province’s Municipal Stimulus Program. Although the project schedule has yet to be determined, residents can expect traffic delays in the area throughout the summer. The Town of Whitecourt will advertise construction details, once con- firmed, through the Town’s website (www.whitecourt.ca), on social media sites (www.facebook.com/TownofWhitecourt), and on signs in the area.

Knelsen Sand and Gravel has been awarded the contract for Whitecourt’s 2021 Street Improvement Program. The program, valued at over $620,000, is scheduled for this summer and will include overlay projects at the following locations:

  • 47 Street, from Graham Road to 25m north of Harolds Hallow;
  • Harolds Hallow (portion of).
  • Noyes Crescent (cul de sac).
  • Atkinson Crescent.
  • 39 Street (entrance to Rivervalley Estates).
  • Baxter Crescent and Feero Drive intersection.
  • 47 Street from Sunset Boulevard to 135m north of Sunset Boulevard.
  • 42 Avenue, from Highway 43 to Kepler Street.
  • Blueberry Drive east of Park Drive.
  • 33 Street and Caxton Street intersection.

Additional lighting will be installed along the Highway 43 Pathway to 51 Street and the Blueberry Drive/Park Circle North pathways. The lighting projects are part of a larger goal to enhance the community trail network and increase the con- nectivity of the community.

Whitecourt Town Council has awarded $15,000 in funding under the 2021 Tourism Enhancement Grant Program. Recipients include:

  • $6,600 to the Whitecourt Golf & Country Club for patio dining enhancements and a marketing plan.
  • $8,400 to the Whitecourt Mountain Bike Association for feature expansion at the Bike Park.

Seniors’ Week activities are being planned for June 7-12. Seniors can register now to receive a Celebrate Seniors Box that will be available for pickup May 25-June 7. Details on all planned events and activities can be found on the event calendar at www.whitecourt.ca.

In consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Party in The Park event has been postponed. The Town of Whitecourt and planning committee intend to host the local event in 2022.

A Whitecourt Tourism logo has been developed to help build awareness of Whitecourt as a tourism destination.   Use   of the new brand will play an important role in location identity and will help to build a positive image for tourism in our community.

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