March 1, 2025

Your community newspaper

Whitecourt transit continues to make a difference in 2018 – Part II


By Nerissa McNaughton

Last week The Press highlighted the programs that make Whitecourt Transit accessible and inclusive for all residents. This week we are joined by Sharon Shannon, manager of FCSS, Town of Whitecourt, for additional insights on the transit program, and she has some very exiting details on why ridership has nearly doubled over the last year.

“Several factors have led to the increase in ridership with Whitecourt Transit,” Shannon notes. “Our new buses resemble city transit systems, making them more recognizable as an official transit system. Buses are low-floor accessible with no steps, and can easily accommodate passengers with mobility issues, wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, and strollers. Peak service offers more frequent pick up times for customers.  The installation of bus shelters and benches add comfort to the wait for service.  In the spring of 2017, a business plan was developed with Town staff and transit drivers where ideas for marketing and promotion strategies were identified and are being implemented, and with the changes to school bussing, the annual student bus pass has made transit an appealing option for some students to ride transit to and from school.”

Shannon continues with how the routes are developed. “The transit route was designed in consultation with the original Public Transit Committee, and key locations were identified for service, including shopping areas, medical services, educational stops, recreation opportunities, and residential areas (while staying on main arterial routes). Since the original launch, our route has been adjusted using feedback from transit riders, community members, and transit drivers. Statistics on transit ridership and stop usage are collected and are reviewed monthly by Town administration and the Community Services Board.”

Whitecourt transit has been in touch with Walmart Corporate and continues to discuss the possibility of a bus stop at that location. No decision has been made at this time.

The rates charged by Whitecourt Transit are carefully researched to ensure they are affordable and in line with similar transit communities. The fare is just $3 per ride, and children under six can ride free with an adult. Ticket books of 10 tickets for $25 save riders $0.50 per trip. Riders also have the option of a monthly pass, which is $70 for adults, $40 for seniors and individuals who qualify for the Town of Whitecourt Grant Transportation program, and $40 for students; a student annual pass is $275.

Shannon points out, “All riders can request a transfer slip when exiting the bus, which allows for reentry on the same day within a 90-minute time period at no charge.”

From June to August, the Summer Fun Pass Combo is available for youth up to 17 years old, and to full-time post-secondary students. Youth groups can arrange group rides for $1 per passenger.

Remember, grant and assistance programs are available for seniors and the differently-abled to help with fare costs (see last week’s Driving forward, part I).

Whitecourt Transit is a clean, affordable and efficient way to get around town, and there is an entire team of people working on your behalf to ensure the safest, most affordable, sustainable ride. To learn more, visit

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