Ladies Who Love is an event just for women spearheaded by Tara Farnsworth and Amanda St. Pierre. “We had similar interests and we were looking for a place that we could get women together to support and encourage each other and share our stories and accomplishments. We realized that group didn’t exist yet in Whitecourt.” So, they created one.
The first event took place a year and a half ago and since then they have held four more. Different speakers are featured at each event and on Tuesday, May 29 at the Legion Cindy Granley and Tarron Young were centerstage. Both have overcome challenges in their lives and shared the experiences that led them to teach inspirational fitness classes in Whitecourt that reach many women.
“I’d been hearing whispers about this magical fitness class called BooTy for a few years around town now and I finally got on board and tried it. It blew my mind. The support and the love and the positive energy coming from the instructors flows through the entire class. It’s truly an empowering class. We wanted them to come and sprinkle their magic on all of us and share their stories,” explained Farnsworth.
Cindy shared the journey she took from teaching to her role as a school board trustee and is now a certified fitness leader. After trying out a few different classes she decided to find something more inspiring and stumbled upon BooTy. She said she was immediately hooked after watching one video and reached out to the program creator, Tara Newbigging, who took a chance on teaching Cindy the ropes.
“I realized it was so much more than a fitness class. It really was a whole experience of the mind, body, and soul,” smiled Cindy. After her first class in Whitecourt, she said she received a ton of messages from those who took the class. “It was overwhelming. BooTy was touching women in a way that I had hoped and prayed for.”
During a special master class held locally which included the BooTy creator, Tarron was zeroed in on as someone to bring into the fold as a teacher. “I feel like we all have a purpose and I’ve always felt like mine was to help others,” she said as she began her story. “Music was a huge escape for me for a lot of things, and random kitchen dance parties growing up were a regular occurrence in our household. I believe everything happens for a reason and I believe BooTy came into my life at just the right time.” After receiving dreadful news about her mother, Tarron relied on the class to keep her grounded, sane, and filled with hope.
There was not a single dry eye in the room as she shared the heartbreaking story of losing her mother. “This past year has been an emotional journey for me with lots of ups and downs, questioning my own journey to what I wanted to do with my life, and strongly being reminded of what a gift life truly is.” Those interested can find out more about the dance inspired BooTy classes at the AJMC.
Keep up to date with new events by joining Ladies Who Love on Facebook.
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