Avoid the temptation to dive into new activities today — even though you feel...
Spend extra time and attention on your family today — they need you now...
Someone needs you to hear them out — you can’t just nod and smile...
Your inventory needs some attention, at home or at work. Make sure you’ve got...
Your reserves of strength are starting to peak — who knew you had so...
Spend some time thinking things through today — your energy is just right for...
Select one of your friends for a special lunch date or some other big...
Sure, you’ve got needs — we all do — but for now, you need...
You just don’t feel like working too hard today, and there’s nothing wrong with...
How’s your love life? Whether it’s perfectly fine or in need of improvements, your...
A family member or housemate is working your last nerve today — but try...
You’re feeling great, and your energy is just right for enjoying the pleasures of...
You require deeper meaning from your interactions today, which might not be so easy...
Your energy levels are through the roof now, and you may find that your...
This is not the time for you to make big decisions — see if...